I created the full graphics package for the TV show +Deporte included in the #Vamos channel for Movistar+ in Spain. It was quite a fun project and amazing experience to work with the Movistar design team.
The initial concept brief included very specific elements including Life, Energy, Dynamic, Flat Graphic Design, Screens, Interfaces, Icons and Logos, Textures, Patterns, Particle Systems and Shadows.
Style frames:

For my own process, I started by gathering keywords like Competition, Passion, Energy, Strategy, Team, Concentration, Celebration, Pause, Movement, Risk, Collaboration, which I was able to connect and integrate into the initial brief concepts.
Development boards

After exploring some options for the logo, I decided to base the font on a German style Sans-Serif. And for the sports icons I wanted to bring character so I teamed up with illustrator Enisaurus to help me with this task, who is known for his colorful geometric compositions and bold illustrations.
About Movistar:
Movistar is endorsed by Telefónica as the corporate brand in all its communications with customers. It is present in Spain, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala, Panamá, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. In January-December 2018 Telefónica had consolidated revenues of 48.7 million euros and more than 356 million total accesses, 270.8 million mobile phones accesses, 22 million Internet and data accesses and 8 million paid TV accesses.